Known as “The” Market Research directory for the research industry, GreenBook has been a long-time staple for finding the right seller of research and marketing for every buyer’s needs.
The primary channel for the directory was hardcopy for decades. It moved online with the Pureprofile platform in 2013, and is now available in mobile web.
GreenBook's move to mobile web was less a redesign than a transformation to a new platform for engagement. They were looking to build a strictly mobile experience that allowed users to more easily and quickly engage with their product offering. The center of which was the directory.
01/ Challenge
Stabilize the existing platform, revive client relationship, and consistently delivery e-Commerce product innovation.
A traditionally analog company, GreenBook was moved to big data by the Pureprofile platform. An incredibly slow rollout plagued with bugs, the account was in jeopardy when I came on board in 2013.
To pivot from a frequently broken build, a tenuous client relationship, and moving a non-digital client to a mobile web experience, I had to be strategic, calculated, and focused on client results. This was resolved in just over a year.
Evolve the client relationship in order to push a more innovative mobile web product experience forward.
In order to move GreenBook forward, the client relationship had to be revitalized. Trust had to be re-established.
Digital evolution wasn’t possible without first proving our reliability to the client. Going forward, everything coming from the development team would be reliable (QA, Project Management, etc.). I rebuilt the team in India with a focus on quality, responsiveness, and achievable results through a clear and meaningful backlog that mapped a path from frustration to mobile web success.
GreenBook was a complete turnaround in the development process and client relationship.
Process changes resulted in an accelerated trajectory of the relationship allowing both GreenBook and Pureprofile to fully realize a mobile web experience across the entire platform.
This is by far one of my strongest client relationships. It evolved to this level by listening to the client needs, establishing a process for achieving results, and working in partnership with GreenBook’s GM to strategize a long-term approach to moving the existing web experience to a mobile web destination for the entire research industry.